To empower the youth, especially belonging to the underprivileged sections of society, through quality education by inculcating philanthropic values and enabling them to meet the challenges of the contemporary knowledge society.

To translate the vision into reality the institution is committed to -

Embrace in its fold students from all sections and categories especially addressing  to the needs of the first generation learners.
Expose the students (especially the under-privileged ones) to variety of activities, academic and extra-academic, aiming at their overall development.
Inculcate humanistic and social values in the students to motivate them towards community services.
Kindle the entrepreneurial spirit in students.
Inspire the young minds to develop the habits of critical thinking to achieve Creative Excellence. 
Promote  quality  research among the teachers and students.
Sensitize the students on issues relating to ecology, environment, human rights and gender equality.
Foster global competencies.

Core Value
  • Quality Education
  • Holistic Development
  • Professional Ethics
  • Leadership Qualities
  • Human Values